In my time spent with God tonight, I read Acts 16:11-15-
Here, Paul and his companions stopped (on their journey of sharing the message of Jesus's life and His gift of eternal life) at Phillipi for a few days. While there, on the Sabbath day, they went outside the city gate "expecting to find a place of prayer". However, they spotted women there and intentionally sat with them and began to speak to the women. They initiated the conversation, they approached the unsaved and "the Lord opened their [the women's] heart."
These men did not stay on the course they had planned. For what they wanted and desired was to retreat and rest, to find solitude with God. Away from the crowds and speaking God's message, as they had been doing so much of, for a moment to just get away. But God had plans of His own for them. When they were tired and spent, looking for quiet and a means to perhaps draw strength through their rest, God called on them to continue and press on. And they were obedient to the call.
Am I, at my most selfish state, able to answer "yes" to His work which God has prepared in advanced for me to do? When I long for, desire nothing more, plan and set aside time to REST, does my heart still stay in tune to the possibility of God using me in the place where I most desire rest and retreat? Do I miss opportunities because I'm not seeing the world through His lenses but rather self-satisfying ones of my own? When I am at my most focused on me and my needs and what I want, am I, in that moment, willing to die to myself for the sake of Christ's work through me and God's deserved glory? Even in areas outside of sharing the gospel. When I want to win an argument with my spouse or am not feeling loved by my spouse in a way that I desire him to, am I willing to die to what I want and see that God calls me to treat my husband as I wish to be treated, not as it feels he's treating me? When a friend speaks biblical truth into my life and it cuts me so deep I want to run rather than listen, do I rememberer that God says "a wise man is he who listens to counsel" or do I put up walls and reject them?
A women and her entire household were saved and baptized in a moment when those men could have turned inward and focused only on their needs (and rightly so) but instead, saw their higher calling, died to their flesh, and seized the opportunity to be bold with the message of truth. And God changed lives through that!
Lord, let me not be blind to seeing the moments which you're calling me to do Your work. Especially when I'm at my most self-focused. Forgive me for the times when I've shut myself off from letting You use me b/c I'm so distracted by what I think I need or want. Thank You for your forgiveness and grace which still continues me for your glory! Father, let me see the world and the lost as You see them, and let me be bold and initiate those conversations with them about Your love for them! Give me opportunities and let me see them! Amen.
About Me

- alana
- I'm a home grown Texas girl. Married 18 years now to the most incredible and godly leader of a man that I have EVER met! And it just keeps getting better! -That's all Christ's doing! We have been blessed with five boys: Jonah (15), Caleb (14), Matthew (12), Nathan (10), and Lander (3). We also have a daughter we adopted from China, Kayli (8). I LOVE being a Mom and am happiest when my whole family is at home working together on a project! I have also been a home educator going on 13 years now to all my children. I've been a Christian for as long as I can remember and am so thankful my Lord woos me to Him everyday even still and that He is patient for me to come to the knowledge of His love, grace, and compassion and am humbled that He calls me to be His light to others.
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